como eliminar las llamadas de instagram
Cómo eliminar las llamadas de Instagram
En la era digital en la que vivimos, las redes sociales se han convertido en una parte integral de nuestras vidas. Una de las plataformas más populares es Instagram , que permite a los usuarios compartir fotos y videos, seguir a sus amigos y celebridades favoritas, y comunicarse mediante mensajes directos. Sin embargo, una función que ha sido objeto de controversia en Instagram son las llamadas de voz y video.
Las llamadas de voz y video en Instagram son una forma conveniente de comunicarse con amigos y seguidores. Sin embargo, hay momentos en los que preferimos mantener nuestra privacidad y no recibir llamadas. Afortunadamente, hay varias formas de desactivar o eliminar las llamadas en Instagram. En este artículo, exploraremos algunas de estas opciones para ayudarte a disfrutar de la plataforma sin interrupciones no deseadas.
1. Modificar la configuración de privacidad: Instagram proporciona opciones de privacidad que te permiten controlar quién puede comunicarse contigo. Puedes acceder a estas configuraciones y ajustarlas según tus preferencias. Para hacerlo, ve a tu perfil, selecciona “Configuración” y luego “Privacidad”. Aquí encontrarás opciones para permitir o bloquear llamadas de voz y video.
2. Bloquear a usuarios no deseados: Si recibes llamadas de personas que no deseas contactar, puedes bloquearlas para evitar futuras comunicaciones no deseadas. Para bloquear a un usuario, ve a su perfil, selecciona los tres puntos en la esquina superior derecha y elige “Bloquear”. Esto evitará que te envíen mensajes y llamadas.
3. Desactivar la opción “Mostrar actividad”: Instagram tiene una función llamada “Mostrar actividad” que permite a tus seguidores ver cuándo estás en línea. Si desactivas esta opción, los demás no podrán saber si estás disponible para realizar llamadas. Puedes hacerlo yendo a “Configuración” y luego seleccionando “Privacidad y seguridad”. Aquí encontrarás la opción “Mostrar actividad” que puedes desactivar.
4. Utilizar aplicaciones de terceros: Existen aplicaciones de terceros que pueden ayudarte a gestionar tus llamadas en Instagram. Estas aplicaciones te permiten bloquear llamadas de usuarios no deseados, silenciar notificaciones y personalizar tu experiencia en la plataforma. Sin embargo, debes tener cuidado al descargar aplicaciones de terceros, ya que algunas podrían ser maliciosas o violar los términos de servicio de Instagram.
5. Desactivar notificaciones de llamadas: Si no deseas recibir notificaciones cada vez que alguien intenta llamarte en Instagram, puedes desactivarlas. Para hacerlo, ve a “Configuración” y selecciona “Notificaciones”. Aquí encontrarás la opción “Llamadas” que puedes desactivar.
6. Utilizar el modo avión: Si necesitas un descanso de las llamadas en Instagram, puedes activar el modo avión en tu dispositivo. Esto desactivará todas las conexiones de red y evitará que recibas llamadas. Sin embargo, ten en cuenta que también te desconectarás de internet y no podrás realizar ninguna otra actividad en línea.
7. Cambiar a una cuenta privada: Si deseas tener un mayor control sobre quién puede comunicarse contigo en Instagram, puedes cambiar a una cuenta privada. Esto significa que solo las personas a las que apruebes podrán seguirte y enviarte mensajes o llamadas. Para hacerlo, ve a “Configuración” y selecciona “Privacidad”. Aquí encontrarás la opción “Cuenta privada” que puedes activar.
8. Limitar la disponibilidad: Si deseas recibir llamadas solo de ciertas personas, puedes utilizar la opción “Limitar la disponibilidad” en Instagram. Esta función te permite seleccionar a quiénes permitir llamarte y recibir mensajes. Para hacerlo, ve a “Configuración” y selecciona “Privacidad”. Aquí encontrarás la opción “Limitar la disponibilidad” que puedes activar y personalizar según tus preferencias.
9. Ignorar las llamadas: Si no deseas eliminar por completo las llamadas en Instagram, pero tampoco deseas recibirlas en momentos específicos, simplemente puedes ignorarlas. Puedes hacer esto silenciando las notificaciones de llamadas o simplemente no respondiendo cuando recibas una llamada. Ten en cuenta que si ignoras las llamadas, es posible que algunas personas insistan en contactarte.
10. Contactar al soporte de Instagram: Si has intentado todas las opciones anteriores y aún sigues recibiendo llamadas no deseadas, puedes contactar al soporte de Instagram para obtener ayuda adicional. El equipo de soporte puede brindarte asistencia personalizada y soluciones específicas para tu situación.
En conclusión, si deseas eliminar o desactivar las llamadas en Instagram, hay varias opciones disponibles para ti. Puedes modificar la configuración de privacidad, bloquear a usuarios no deseados, desactivar el “Mostrar actividad” y utilizar aplicaciones de terceros. También puedes desactivar las notificaciones de llamadas, activar el modo avión, cambiar a una cuenta privada, limitar la disponibilidad o simplemente ignorar las llamadas. Si ninguna de estas opciones funciona, puedes contactar al soporte de Instagram para obtener ayuda adicional. Recuerda que es importante mantener tu privacidad y disfrutar de la plataforma sin interrupciones no deseadas.
cricket phone for kids
Cricket phones for kids are becoming increasingly popular among parents who want to give their children their first phone. With the advancement of technology, it is almost impossible to imagine a world without cell phones. And while it is important for kids to have access to communication, there are concerns about the safety and appropriateness of traditional smartphones for younger children. This is where cricket phones for kids come in – they offer a safe and age-appropriate alternative for parents who want to give their kids a phone.
Cricket phones for kids are designed specifically for children, with features and functionalities that cater to their needs and safety. These phones are typically simple and easy to use, with limited features and a user-friendly interface. They also come with parental controls, allowing parents to monitor and control their child’s phone usage. This gives parents peace of mind knowing that their child is safe and responsible while using their phone.
One of the biggest concerns for parents when it comes to giving their child a phone is the potential exposure to inappropriate content and online predators. Cricket phones for kids offer a solution to this problem by providing a safe and controlled environment for children to use their phone. These phones come with pre-approved apps and games, ensuring that children are not exposed to any harmful content. Additionally, parents can set restrictions and filters to block inappropriate websites and content, giving them control over what their child can access on their phone.
Apart from safety, another benefit of cricket phones for kids is their affordability. Traditional smartphones can be expensive, with high-end models costing hundreds of dollars. This is not a feasible option for most parents, especially for a child’s first phone. Cricket phones for kids, on the other hand, are more budget-friendly, making it an attractive option for parents who don’t want to spend a fortune on a phone for their child. These phones also come with plans and packages specifically designed for kids, with affordable rates and data limits that are suitable for their needs.
Moreover, cricket phones for kids offer a great way for parents to stay in touch with their children. With busy schedules and hectic lifestyles, it can be challenging for parents to constantly keep track of their child’s whereabouts. Giving them a phone not only allows them to stay connected but also gives parents the peace of mind that they can reach their child at any time. This is especially useful for children who participate in after-school activities or have busy schedules, as parents can easily check in with them and make sure they are safe.
Aside from communication, cricket phones for kids also provide a great platform for learning and development. With educational apps and games, children can use their phone to improve their knowledge and skills. These apps are not only educational but also engaging and fun, making learning a more enjoyable experience for kids. Additionally, with the ability to access the internet, children can also use their phone to research and explore new topics that interest them, expanding their knowledge and curiosity.
Another advantage of cricket phones for kids is that they offer a safe way for children to learn responsibility and independence. By giving them their own phone, children learn to take care of their belongings and understand the importance of responsible phone usage. This also gives them a sense of independence, as they can have their own device to communicate with their friends and family. However, with parental controls in place, parents can still monitor and guide their child’s phone usage, ensuring that they are using their phone responsibly.
Cricket phones for kids also come with features that are specifically designed for emergencies. These phones have a designated emergency button that can be pressed to automatically call a pre-programmed number, such as a parent or emergency services. This feature can be a lifesaver in case of an emergency, giving children a quick and easy way to call for help. It also gives parents peace of mind knowing that their child has a way to reach them in case of an emergency.
In addition to all these benefits, cricket phones for kids also offer a great way for parents to teach their child about budgeting and financial responsibility. These phones come with prepaid plans, allowing parents to set a budget for their child’s phone usage. This not only teaches children the value of money but also helps them understand the concept of limits and boundaries. By setting a budget, children learn to prioritize their phone usage and make responsible decisions when it comes to their phone plan.
Moreover, cricket phones for kids also offer a great way for parents to monitor their child’s phone usage. With traditional smartphones, children can easily spend hours on social media or playing games, without any limits or supervision. However, with parental controls and monitoring features, parents can track their child’s phone usage and set restrictions on screen time. This helps children develop healthy phone habits and prevents excessive use of their phone.
Lastly, cricket phones for kids offer a great way for children to stay connected with their family and friends. With the ability to call and text, children can keep in touch with their loved ones, even if they are far away. This is especially useful for families who have members living in different locations, as children can easily stay connected with their grandparents, cousins, and extended family. It also gives children a sense of security and support, knowing that they can always reach out to their loved ones if needed.
In conclusion, cricket phones for kids offer a safe, affordable, and age-appropriate alternative for parents who want to give their child their first phone. With features such as parental controls, emergency buttons, and educational apps, these phones provide a controlled and secure environment for children to use their phone. They also offer a great platform for learning and development, as well as a way for parents to stay connected with their child. As technology continues to advance, cricket phones for kids are a great option for parents who want to give their child the benefits of having a phone, without the potential risks and dangers of traditional smartphones.
how to create a new apple id for child
Creating a new Apple ID for a child is an important step in giving them access to various Apple services and products. Whether it is for educational purposes, entertainment, or communication, an Apple ID allows children to safely explore and learn through the use of technology. However, as a parent or guardian, it is necessary to create a new Apple ID for your child that is appropriate for their age and provides the necessary parental controls. In this article, we will guide you through the process of creating a new Apple ID for your child, along with the various features and restrictions available to ensure their safety and well-being.
1. What is an Apple ID?

Before we dive into the steps of creating a new Apple ID for a child, let us first understand what an Apple ID is. An Apple ID is a unique account that gives access to various Apple services, such as the App Store, iTunes, iCloud, and iMessage. It is used to personalize and secure your Apple devices, as well as make purchases and share content with others. Each Apple ID is associated with a specific email address and password, and it is essential to keep this login information secure and confidential.
2. Why does a child need an Apple ID?
As technology continues to evolve, children are exposed to various devices and applications at a young age. With the growing popularity of iPads, iPhones, and other Apple products, it is essential to provide children with a safe and controlled environment to explore and learn through technology. An Apple ID allows children to access educational apps, books, and games, as well as communicate with family and friends through iMessage. It also provides a platform for parents to monitor their child’s digital activities and set restrictions that are appropriate for their age.
3. Age restrictions for Apple ID
When creating an Apple ID for a child, it is crucial to understand the age restrictions set by Apple. According to Apple’s Terms and Conditions, the minimum age to create an Apple ID is 13 years old. However, if your child is under 13, you can create a Family Sharing account, which allows them to have their own Apple ID linked to yours. This allows you to monitor and control their account, as well as approve or deny their purchases and downloads.
4. Steps to create a new Apple ID for a child
Now that we have covered the basics, let us dive into the steps of creating a new Apple ID for a child.
Step 1: Go to the Apple ID website ( and click on “Create Your Apple ID.”
Step 2: Fill in the required information, including your child’s birthdate. If your child is under 13, click on “Create Your Child’s Apple ID” and proceed.
Step 3: Enter your child’s first and last name, then click on “Next.”
Step 4: Create a unique Apple ID email address for your child. If your child is under 13, you can use your own email address as the parent or guardian.
Step 5: Create a strong password for your child’s Apple ID. It should be at least eight characters long, contain at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, and one number.
Step 6: Set up security questions and answers. This will help your child reset their password or recover their account if needed.
Step 7: Agree to the Terms and Conditions and click on “Agree.”
Step 8: If your child is under 13, you will be asked to verify your payment information for the Family Sharing account. This will be used to make purchases on behalf of your child.

Step 9: You will receive an email to verify your child’s Apple ID. Click on the link provided to complete the verification process.
Step 10: Once the verification is complete, your child’s Apple ID will be activated, and they can start exploring and learning through technology.
5. Parental controls and restrictions for child’s Apple ID
As a parent or guardian, it is crucial to set up appropriate parental controls and restrictions for your child’s Apple ID. This will ensure their safety and protect them from accessing inappropriate content. Here are some of the features and restrictions available for a child’s Apple ID:
– Ask to Buy: This feature allows you to approve or deny your child’s purchases and downloads. Whenever your child tries to make a purchase or download an app, you will receive a notification on your device, and you can choose to approve or deny the request.
– Content restrictions: You can set age-appropriate content restrictions for your child’s Apple ID. This includes restricting access to explicit music, movies, TV shows, apps, and websites.
– Screen Time: This feature allows you to set time limits for your child’s device usage and restrict certain apps and features during specific times.
– Location sharing: You can use the “Find My” app to track your child’s location and share your location with them. This is a great safety feature in case of emergencies.
6. Tips for managing your child’s Apple ID
Here are some additional tips to help you manage your child’s Apple ID effectively:
– Keep your child’s login information secure and confidential. This will prevent unauthorized access to their account.
– Regularly review your child’s purchase history and downloads to ensure they are not accessing inappropriate content.
– Communicate with your child about the importance of responsible and safe technology usage.
– Keep the lines of communication open and encourage your child to come to you if they encounter any issues or problems while using their Apple ID.
7. Conclusion

Creating a new Apple ID for a child is a simple and straightforward process that provides a safe and controlled environment for them to explore and learn through technology. By following the steps outlined in this article, as well as implementing appropriate parental controls and restrictions, you can ensure your child’s safety and well-being while using their Apple ID. Remember to regularly review and update their account as they grow, and keep the lines of communication open to promote responsible and safe technology usage.