como recuperar mensajes de messenger
Messenger es una de las aplicaciones de mensajería más populares del mundo, con más de mil millones de usuarios activos mensuales. Esta plataforma de mensajería, propiedad de facebook -parental-controls-guide”>Facebook , se ha convertido en una parte integral de nuestras vidas, permitiéndonos mantenernos conectados con amigos y familiares en cualquier momento y lugar. Sin embargo, a veces por diversas razones, podemos perder mensajes importantes en Messenger y necesitamos recuperarlos. En este artículo, te explicaremos cómo recuperar mensajes de Messenger en diferentes dispositivos y situaciones.
Antes de comenzar, es importante tener en cuenta que Messenger no tiene una función nativa para recuperar mensajes eliminados. Sin embargo, existen algunos métodos que puedes probar para recuperar tus mensajes perdidos. A continuación, detallamos los pasos a seguir para recuperar mensajes de Messenger en diferentes situaciones.
1. Recuperar mensajes de Messenger en dispositivos móviles
Si utilizas Messenger en tu teléfono móvil, hay dos formas de recuperar mensajes eliminados. La primera opción es verificar si tienes una copia de seguridad de tus mensajes en la nube. Para hacerlo, sigue estos pasos:
– Abre Messenger en tu dispositivo móvil.
– Toca tu foto de perfil en la esquina superior izquierda para acceder a tu perfil.
– Desplázate hacia abajo y selecciona “Fotos, vídeos y archivos”.
– Aquí encontrarás una sección llamada “Copias de seguridad de Messenger”. Si tienes alguna copia de seguridad disponible, aparecerá aquí.
– Toca la copia de seguridad que desees y busca el mensaje que quieres recuperar.
Si tienes una copia de seguridad disponible, podrás recuperar tus mensajes eliminados. Sin embargo, ten en cuenta que esta función solo está disponible si tienes una copia de seguridad activada en tu dispositivo móvil.
Si no tienes una copia de seguridad activada, aún hay otra opción para recuperar tus mensajes eliminados. Puedes utilizar una herramienta de recuperación de datos de terceros para escanear tu dispositivo móvil y buscar los mensajes eliminados. Algunas de las herramientas más populares son Dr.Fone, iMyFone y EaseUS MobiSaver. Estas aplicaciones funcionan escaneando tu dispositivo y recuperando datos eliminados, incluidos los mensajes de Messenger.
2. Recuperar mensajes de Messenger en la versión web
Si utilizas Messenger en la versión web, también puedes recuperar tus mensajes eliminados. Sin embargo, este método solo funciona si has utilizado Messenger en tu computadora y tienes una copia de seguridad de tus mensajes en tu dispositivo móvil. Para recuperar tus mensajes eliminados en la versión web, sigue estos pasos:
– Abre la versión web de Messenger en tu navegador.
– Inicia sesión con tu cuenta de Facebook.
– Haz clic en el icono de ajustes en la esquina superior izquierda y selecciona “Configuración”.
– En la barra lateral izquierda, selecciona “Copias de seguridad de Messenger”.
– Aquí encontrarás una lista de tus dispositivos móviles conectados a tu cuenta de Messenger.
– Selecciona el dispositivo móvil del que deseas recuperar los mensajes eliminados.
– Busca el mensaje que deseas recuperar en la copia de seguridad y descárgalo en tu computadora.
3. Recuperar mensajes de Messenger eliminados por la otra persona
A veces, eliminamos un mensaje de Messenger solo para descubrir más tarde que era importante o que lo necesitamos como prueba. En estos casos, es posible que la otra persona aún tenga una copia del mensaje y puedas recuperarlo de ella. Sin embargo, esto solo funciona si la otra persona no ha eliminado la conversación completa. Para recuperar un mensaje eliminado por la otra persona, sigue estos pasos:
– Abre Messenger y busca la conversación con la otra persona.
– Desplázate hacia abajo en la conversación y busca el mensaje eliminado.
– Si la otra persona no ha eliminado la conversación completa, aún podrás ver el mensaje eliminado.
Si la otra persona ya ha eliminado la conversación completa, desafortunadamente no hay forma de recuperar el mensaje eliminado.
4. Recuperar mensajes de Messenger en conversaciones archivadas
A veces, en lugar de eliminar una conversación, la archivamos para ocultarla de nuestra bandeja de entrada. Si has archivado una conversación y necesitas recuperar un mensaje, sigue estos pasos:
– Abre Messenger y desplázate hasta la parte inferior de tu bandeja de entrada.
– Selecciona “Más” y luego “Archivado”.
– Aquí encontrarás una lista de todas las conversaciones que has archivado.
– Busca la conversación de la que deseas recuperar el mensaje y tócala para abrirla.
– Desplázate hacia abajo y busca el mensaje eliminado.
Si tienes muchas conversaciones archivadas, también puedes utilizar la función de búsqueda en Messenger para encontrar la conversación específica y recuperar el mensaje eliminado.
5. Recuperar mensajes de Messenger eliminados por error
Si eliminaste un mensaje de Messenger por error, puedes recuperarlo fácilmente siguiendo estos pasos:
– Abre Messenger y busca la conversación de la que eliminaste el mensaje.
– En la parte superior de la conversación, encontrarás un mensaje que dice “Has eliminado un mensaje”.
– Haz clic en este mensaje y selecciona “Des-hacer” para recuperar el mensaje eliminado.
Si han pasado más de 10 minutos desde que eliminaste el mensaje, esta función ya no estará disponible.
6. Recuperar mensajes de Messenger después de desactivar tu cuenta de Facebook
Si has desactivado tu cuenta de Facebook y necesitas recuperar tus mensajes de Messenger, puedes hacerlo siguiendo estos pasos:
– Reactiva tu cuenta de Facebook.
– Inicia sesión en Messenger con tu cuenta de Facebook.
– Busca la conversación de la que deseas recuperar los mensajes.
– Desplázate hacia abajo hasta el principio de la conversación y busca el mensaje eliminado.
Ten en cuenta que, si eliminaste la conversación antes de desactivar tu cuenta, no podrás recuperarla después de reactivarla.
7. Recuperar mensajes de Messenger en un dispositivo perdido o robado
Si perdiste tu dispositivo móvil o te lo robaron, puedes recuperar tus mensajes de Messenger siguiendo estos pasos:
– Inicia sesión en Messenger en un dispositivo nuevo.

– Busca la conversación de la que deseas recuperar los mensajes.
– Si tenías una copia de seguridad activada en tu dispositivo perdido o robado, podrás recuperar tus mensajes eliminados siguiendo los pasos mencionados anteriormente.
Si no tenías una copia de seguridad activada, desafortunadamente no hay forma de recuperar los mensajes eliminados.
8. Recuperar mensajes de Messenger utilizando una herramienta de recuperación de datos
Si ninguno de los métodos anteriores funciona para recuperar tus mensajes de Messenger, puedes intentar utilizar una herramienta de recuperación de datos de terceros. Estas aplicaciones funcionan escaneando tu dispositivo móvil o computadora y buscando datos eliminados, incluidos los mensajes de Messenger. Sin embargo, ten en cuenta que algunas de estas herramientas pueden ser costosas y no garantizan resultados exitosos.
En conclusión, aunque Messenger no tiene una función nativa para recuperar mensajes eliminados, hay varios métodos que puedes probar. Siempre es recomendable tener una copia de seguridad de tus mensajes en la nube o en tu dispositivo móvil, para que puedas recuperarlos fácilmente si los pierdes. Si no tienes una copia de seguridad, puedes utilizar una herramienta de recuperación de datos de terceros o recuperar los mensajes de la otra persona si aún los tiene en su conversación. Esperamos que esta guía te haya resultado útil para recuperar tus mensajes de Messenger eliminados. ¡Mantente conectado con tus seres queridos!
see what people send on snapchat
Snapchat is one of the most popular social media platforms in the world. It has gained a massive following since its launch in 2011 and has become an essential part of people’s daily lives. One of the main features of Snapchat is its disappearing messages, which allows users to send photos or videos that disappear after a few seconds. This feature has made it a popular choice among teenagers and young adults, who are always looking for new ways to express themselves and stay connected with their friends. So, what exactly do people send on Snapchat? Let’s explore.
First and foremost, people use Snapchat to send selfies. The app’s filters and lenses allow users to take unique and creative selfies that can be sent to their friends. These filters and lenses allow users to add various effects to their photos, such as turning themselves into animals, adding funny accessories, or even swapping faces with their friends. This feature is a huge hit among users, and it is not uncommon to see people sending dozens of selfies to each other every day.
Another popular type of content on Snapchat is videos. The app allows users to record and send short videos to their friends, which can be up to 60 seconds long. These videos can be anything, from funny moments to important events in their lives. Snapchat also has a feature called “Discover,” where users can watch short videos from various media outlets such as CNN, ESPN, and Cosmopolitan. This feature has made Snapchat a go-to platform for staying updated on the latest news and trends.
One of the most unique features of Snapchat is its “Story” feature. This allows users to post photos and videos that stay on their profile for 24 hours before disappearing. This feature has become popular among brands and celebrities, who use it to promote their products and give a behind-the-scenes look at their lives. People also use this feature to share their daily activities with their friends and show off their creative side by adding filters and stickers to their stories.
Snapchat also has a chat feature, where users can send messages, photos, and videos directly to their friends. This feature is similar to other messaging apps, but what makes it stand out is the disappearing aspect. Users can set a timer for how long the message will be visible, ranging from one to ten seconds. This feature adds an element of excitement and urgency to conversations, making it a popular choice among users.
Apart from personal use, people also use Snapchat for business purposes. Brands and influencers use the app to reach a younger audience and promote their products or services. They often collaborate with popular Snapchat users, also known as “Snapchat influencers,” to promote their brand and increase their reach. These influencers have a large following and can have a significant impact on their followers’ purchasing decisions.
Another aspect of Snapchat that has gained popularity is its location-based filters. These filters allow users to add a specific location to their photos and videos, giving people a glimpse of the places they have visited. This feature has become a hit among travelers, who use it to show their friends and followers the places they have been to. It has also become a way for businesses to promote their locations and attract customers.
Snapchat has also become a platform for expressing creativity and art. Many users use the app to create unique and artistic snaps by combining different filters and lenses. Some even use the drawing tool to create intricate and detailed drawings on their snaps. These creative snaps often go viral and are shared by thousands of users, making Snapchat a hub for artists and creatives.
One of the most controversial features of Snapchat is its “Snap Map.” This feature allows users to see the location of their friends on a map. While some users find this feature useful for staying connected with their friends, others have raised privacy concerns. Snapchat has addressed these concerns by allowing users to choose who can see their location and giving them the option to go into “ghost mode,” where their location is not visible to anyone.
Snapchat has also become a platform for sharing memories and commemorating special occasions. During events such as weddings, birthdays, or vacations, people use Snapchat to document and share their experiences with their friends and family. It has become a modern-day photo album, where people can look back and relive their cherished memories.
In conclusion, Snapchat has become a versatile platform for people to express themselves, stay connected with their friends, and even promote their businesses. From selfies and videos to creative snaps and location filters, people send a wide range of content on Snapchat. With its disappearing messages and unique features, Snapchat has cemented its place as one of the most popular social media platforms, and it will continue to be a go-to app for people to see what others are sending.
birthday party 20th birthday ideas
Celebrating your 20th birthday is a milestone in itself. You have officially left your teenage years behind and are stepping into adulthood. It is a time to reflect on the past and look forward to the future. And what better way to mark this special occasion than with a birthday party filled with fun and memorable experiences? In this article, we will explore some unique and creative ideas to make your 20th birthday party one to remember.
1. Choose a Theme
A great way to make your 20th birthday party stand out is by choosing a theme. It could be anything from a decade theme, such as the 80s or 90s, to a specific color or movie theme. This will help set the tone for the party and make it more cohesive. You can even ask your guests to dress up according to the theme to add to the fun.

2. Plan a Weekend Getaway
Instead of a one-night event, why not plan a weekend getaway to celebrate your 20th birthday? It could be a road trip to a nearby town or a staycation in a fancy hotel. This will give you and your friends more time to bond and create unforgettable memories. Plus, it will be a refreshing change from the usual party scene.
3. Host a Game Night
Gather your friends and family for a night of fun and games. You can set up a variety of board games, card games, and even video games to keep everyone entertained. You can also include some party games like charades or Pictionary to add a competitive element. Game nights are always a hit and will surely make your 20th birthday party a blast.
4. Have a Movie Marathon
If you and your friends are movie lovers, then a movie marathon is the perfect way to celebrate your 20th birthday. Choose a genre or a series of movies and binge-watch them with your loved ones. You can even turn it into a sleepover and have a cozy night in with popcorn and snacks.
5. Plan a Picnic
For a more laid-back and intimate celebration, plan a picnic with your closest friends and family. You can choose a scenic location like a park or a beach and pack some delicious food and drinks. It will be a relaxing and enjoyable way to spend your 20th birthday, surrounded by nature and your loved ones.
6. Have a Spa Day
Pamper yourself on your 20th birthday with a spa day. Treat yourself to a massage, facial, or any other spa treatment you desire. You can even invite your friends to join you for a group spa day. It will be a day of relaxation and rejuvenation, just what you need to start your new year.
7. Plan a Scavenger Hunt
Add some excitement and adventure to your 20th birthday party with a scavenger hunt. You can create clues and hide them around your house or neighborhood. You can also divide your guests into teams and have a friendly competition. The team that solves all the clues and finds the treasure first wins a prize.
8. Host a Karaoke Night
If you and your friends love to sing, then a karaoke night is a must for your 20th birthday party. You can rent a karaoke machine or find a karaoke bar in your area. Sing your heart out to your favorite songs and have a great time with your friends. You can even have a theme for the songs, such as only 90s hits or songs from your birth year.
9. Organize a Volunteer Event
Celebrate your 20th birthday by giving back to your community. You can organize a volunteer event with your friends, such as cleaning up a park or helping out at a local charity. It will be a meaningful and fulfilling way to spend your special day, and you will be making a positive impact on others.
10. Hire a Photo Booth
Capture all the fun and memories from your 20th birthday party with a photo booth. You can rent a professional photo booth or create a DIY one. Set up some props and let your guests take silly and memorable photos throughout the night. It will be a fun and interactive addition to your party.
11. Have a Paint and Sip Party
Get creative on your 20th birthday with a paint and sip party. You and your friends can follow a step-by-step painting tutorial while sipping on some wine or non-alcoholic beverages. It will be a relaxing and fun way to bond with your friends and unleash your inner artist.
12. Plan a Road Trip
Hit the road with your friends and go on a road trip to celebrate your 20th birthday. You can choose a destination or simply drive and explore new places. It will be a spontaneous and adventurous way to celebrate your special day.
13. Host a Bonfire
If your 20th birthday falls during the colder months, then a bonfire is the perfect way to celebrate. Gather your friends and family, roast marshmallows, and share stories around the fire. You can even add some music and games to make it a memorable night.
14. Go on a Food Tour
For all the foodies out there, a food tour is a great way to celebrate your 20th birthday. You can choose a specific cuisine or a food-themed tour in your city. It will be a delicious and exciting way to celebrate with your loved ones.
15. Create a Memory Book
As you enter your 20s, it’s a great time to reflect on your past and the memories you have made. Ask your friends and family to write down their favorite memories with you and compile them into a memory book. It will be a sentimental and heartfelt way to celebrate your 20th birthday.

Your 20th birthday is a significant milestone that deserves to be celebrated in a special way. With these ideas, you can plan a unique and unforgettable birthday party that reflects your personality and interests. Whether it’s a themed party, a weekend getaway, or a simple gathering with your loved ones, the most important thing is to have fun and make memories that will last a lifetime. Cheers to your 20s!