how old is seven super girl
Seven Super Girls is a popular YouTube channel that has been entertaining kids and teens all over the world for over a decade. The channel was created in 2008 by seven young girls, hence the name, who wanted to showcase their creativity and share their passion for performing. Over the years, Seven Super Girls has gained a massive following, with millions of subscribers and views on their videos. One of the most common questions asked about this channel is, “How old is Seven Super Girls?” In this article, we will dive into the history of this channel and explore the ages of the seven girls who make it all possible.
The Beginning of Seven Super Girls
Seven Super Girls was created by seven young girls who were between the ages of 7 and 16 at the time. They all met through their love for gymnastics as they were all part of the same club. The girls were looking for a way to share their gymnastics routines and challenges with their friends and family, and that’s when they came up with the idea of creating a YouTube channel. The girls were all from different parts of the world, with four of them being from the United States, two from the United Kingdom, and one from Australia.
The channel was initially called SevenAwesomeKids, and it featured a new video every day of the week, with each girl taking turns to upload their videos. The girls quickly gained a following, and their videos were receiving thousands of views. They then decided to change the name to SevenSuperGirls to better reflect their personalities and what the channel was all about. The name change did not affect their popularity, and if anything, it made them even more popular.
The Ages of the Seven Super Girls
As mentioned earlier, the girls who started the channel were between the ages of 7 and 16. However, as time went by, some of the original members left the channel, and new girls were added. This is one of the reasons why the answer to the question, “How old is Seven Super Girls?” is not a straightforward one. Currently, there are seven girls on the channel, and their ages range from 9 to 18 years old.
Kaelyn Wilkins is the oldest member of the group, and she is 18 years old. She joined the channel in 2010 when she was only 10 years old. Kaelyn is from the United States, and she is known for her challenge videos and her creative storytelling. She is a fan favorite and has been with the channel for over a decade.
Jenna Arend is the second oldest member of the group, and she is 17 years old. She joined the channel in 2011 when she was only 8 years old. Jenna is from the United States, and she is known for her comedy skits and her love for all things Disney. She is also a singer and has released several music covers on the channel.
Katherine SSG is the third oldest member of the group, and she is 16 years old. She joined the channel in 2013 when she was only 9 years old. Katherine is from the United Kingdom, and she is known for her vlogs and her love for animals. She is also a talented dancer and often shares her routines on the channel.
Nicole Luken is the fourth oldest member of the group, and she is 15 years old. She joined the channel in 2015 when she was only 12 years old. Nicole is from the United States, and she is known for her creative challenges and her love for fashion. She is also an aspiring actress and often shares her acting skills on the channel.
Jazzy Anne is the fifth oldest member of the group, and she is 14 years old. She joined the channel in 2016 when she was only 11 years old. Jazzy is from the United States, and she is known for her creative vlogs and her love for all things beauty. She is also a talented singer and often shares her music covers on the channel.
Emily Jade is the sixth oldest member of the group, and she is 12 years old. She joined the channel in 2018 when she was only 9 years old. Emily is from Australia, and she is known for her vlogs and her love for all things dance. She is also a gymnast and often shares her routines on the channel.
Ella Romans is the youngest member of the group, and she is 9 years old. She joined the channel in 2020 when she was only 8 years old. Ella is from the United Kingdom, and she is known for her cute and funny vlogs. She is also a talented singer and often shares her music covers on the channel.
The Evolution of Seven Super Girls
Over the years, Seven Super Girls has evolved in many ways. Not only have the girls aged, but the content on the channel has also changed. The channel started off with gymnastics routines and challenges, but as the girls grew up, they started exploring other types of videos. Today, the channel features a variety of content, including vlogs, challenges, comedy skits, music covers, and more. The girls have also improved their video editing skills, and their videos now have a more professional feel to them.
One of the major changes that happened to the channel was in 2017 when the girls started uploading videos twice a week instead of every day. This was a big change for the audience, but it allowed the girls to put more effort into their videos and create higher quality content. The change was well received, and the channel continued to grow in popularity.
In 2018, Seven Super Girls faced some controversy when it was revealed that some of the original members of the channel had left due to disagreements with the management team. This caused a lot of drama within the YouTube community, and many fans were left disappointed. However, the remaining members of the group continued to create content and gain new followers.
In 2019, the channel faced another major change when it was announced that Seven Super Girls would be merging with a similar channel called Seven Perfect Angels. The two channels combined to form a new channel called SevenSuperGirls and Friends. This new channel featured not only the seven original girls but also other YouTubers who were friends with the girls. The merge brought in new viewers and helped the channel reach even greater heights.
The Future of Seven Super Girls
As of now, Seven Super Girls continues to upload videos twice a week, and the channel has over 11 million subscribers. The girls have grown up and are no longer the little kids who started the channel over a decade ago. They have all found their own unique styles and have become role models for many young girls all over the world. Many of them have also started their own individual channels and are exploring new opportunities outside of Seven Super Girls.
As for the question, “How old is Seven Super Girls?” Well, the answer is always changing. The girls continue to age, and new members are added to the group. However, one thing is for sure, Seven Super Girls will continue to entertain and inspire their audience for many years to come.
how to turn off restricted mode on tiktok 2021
Title: A Comprehensive Guide: How to Turn Off Restricted Mode on TikTok in 2021
TikTok has become one of the most popular social media platforms globally, attracting millions of users who love sharing and exploring short videos. To ensure a safe and age-appropriate experience for users, TikTok introduced the Restricted Mode feature. This feature allows users to filter out content that may not be suitable for all audiences. However, there may be instances when you want to disable this mode to access a wider range of content. In this article, we will provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to turn off Restricted Mode on TikTok in 2021.
1. Understanding TikTok’s Restricted Mode:
Restricted Mode is an optional feature on TikTok that aims to provide a more controlled content environment, particularly for younger users. When enabled, it filters out explicit or inappropriate content based on TikTok’s algorithm and community guidelines. By default, the Restricted Mode is turned off for users above the age of 18, but younger users have it enabled by default.
2. Why Turn off Restricted Mode on TikTok:
While TikTok’s Restricted Mode serves an essential purpose, there may be legitimate reasons for some users to disable it. For instance, if you are an adult user or a parent monitoring your child’s account, you may want to explore a broader range of content or have more control over the content you consume. Disabling Restricted Mode can help you achieve this.
3. Disabling Restricted Mode on TikTok Mobile App:
To turn off Restricted Mode on the TikTok mobile app, follow these steps:
a. Open the TikTok app on your iOS or Android device.
b. Tap on the “Me” icon located at the bottom right corner of the screen to access your profile.
c. Tap on the three horizontal dots (⋮) in the top-right corner of the screen to open the settings menu.
d. Scroll down and tap on “Digital Wellbeing.”
e. Tap on “Restricted Mode.”

f. Toggle off the Restricted Mode switch to disable it.
4. Disabling Restricted Mode on TikTok Website:
If you prefer accessing TikTok from a web browser, follow these steps to turn off Restricted Mode:
a. Visit the TikTok website and log in to your account.
b. Click on your profile picture, located at the top right corner of the screen.
c. From the dropdown menu, click on “Settings and privacy.”
d. Under the “Content & activity” section, find and click on “Digital Wellbeing.”
e. Click on “Restricted Mode.”
f. Toggle off the Restricted Mode switch to disable it.
5. Disabling Restricted Mode for a Child’s Account:
If you are a parent or guardian overseeing a child’s TikTok account, you can disable Restricted Mode with additional steps:
a. Access your child’s TikTok profile through the “Me” icon.
b. Tap on the three horizontal dots (⋮) in the top-right corner of the screen to open the settings menu.
c. Scroll down and tap on “Digital Wellbeing.”
d. Tap on “Restricted Mode.”
e. Enter your TikTok account password to verify your authorization.
f. Toggle off the Restricted Mode switch to disable it for your child’s account.
6. Potential Challenges and Troubleshooting:
While disabling Restricted Mode is a straightforward process, some users may encounter challenges. These can include forgetting your TikTok password, facing technical glitches, or not being able to find the Restricted Mode settings. We provide troubleshooting tips and solutions to help you overcome these obstacles.
7. The Importance of Responsible TikTok Usage:
As you explore TikTok with Restricted Mode turned off, it is crucial to remember the importance of responsible usage. Be mindful of the content you consume and engage with, as well as the safety and privacy measures you should implement to protect yourself online.
8. Alternatives to Restricting Content on TikTok:
If you decide that disabling Restricted Mode is not suitable for you or your child, TikTok offers additional content restriction options. These include setting a passcode for Restricted Mode and using Family Pairing, which allows parents to link their TikTok account to their child’s for added control and monitoring.
9. TikTok’s Ongoing Commitment to Safety:
TikTok is continuously working to enhance its safety features and improve moderation practices. The Restricted Mode feature plays a vital role in this commitment, ensuring users have a safer experience. By understanding and utilizing the available safety tools, users can enjoy TikTok while minimizing exposure to inappropriate content.

10. Conclusion:
Turning off Restricted Mode on TikTok can provide users with a broader range of content and control over their experience. Whether you’re an adult user or a parent managing your child’s account, disabling Restricted Mode is a simple process that allows for customization and exploration. However, responsible usage and awareness of online safety measures should always be a priority. By following the step-by-step guide provided in this article, you can turn off Restricted Mode on TikTok and enjoy a more personalized experience on the platform.