how to stop youtube playing on tv
youtube -reviews”>YouTube has become a staple in most households, providing endless hours of entertainment and information. One of the most convenient features of YouTube is the ability to cast videos onto a TV, allowing for a larger viewing experience. However, sometimes we may want to stop YouTube from playing on the TV for various reasons. Whether it’s to save data, stop a video from autoplaying, or simply to have some peace and quiet, there are a few methods to stop YouTube playing on your TV. In this article, we will explore the different ways to achieve this and provide some tips for a seamless YouTube experience.
1. Using the YouTube app
The most common way to stop YouTube playing on your TV is by using the YouTube app on your smartphone or tablet. If you are casting a video from your phone, simply open the YouTube app, tap on the casting icon, and select “Stop casting.” This will immediately stop the video from playing on your TV. If you are using a smart TV or a streaming device such as Chromecast, you can also control YouTube playback directly from the app on your phone.
2. Using your TV remote
If you are using a smart TV or a streaming device, you can also use your TV remote to stop YouTube from playing. Simply navigate to the YouTube app on your TV and press the stop button on your remote. This will stop the video from playing and bring you back to the app’s home screen. If you are using a streaming device, you can also use the remote to navigate to the YouTube app and press the back button to stop playback.
3. Using voice commands
Another convenient way to stop YouTube playing on your TV is by using voice commands. If you have a smart TV or a streaming device with a voice remote, you can simply say “stop playback” or “stop casting” to stop YouTube from playing on your TV. This method is especially useful if you have your hands full or if you are across the room from the TV.
4. Disconnecting from Wi-Fi or Bluetooth
If you are still unable to stop YouTube from playing on your TV, you can try disconnecting your phone or device from Wi-Fi or Bluetooth. This will interrupt the casting connection and stop the video from playing. However, this method may not work if you are using a wired connection or if your TV is connected to the internet directly.
5. Changing settings on your TV or streaming device
If you are unable to stop YouTube from playing on your TV, you can check the settings on your TV or streaming device. For smart TVs, you can go to the settings menu and look for the option to disable casting or screen mirroring. For streaming devices, you can access the settings from the app or device’s homepage. This method may vary depending on the make and model of your TV or device, so it’s best to refer to the user manual for specific instructions.
6. Turning off autoplay
If you are using the YouTube app on your TV, you can also turn off autoplay to prevent videos from playing automatically. This can be done by going to the app’s settings and toggling off the autoplay feature. This will stop YouTube from playing the next video in the queue once the current one ends.
7. Signing out of your account
If you are unable to stop YouTube from playing on your TV, you can also try signing out of your account. This will end your current session and stop any videos from playing on your TV. You can sign out by going to the app’s settings and selecting “Sign out.” Keep in mind that this will also sign you out of all other devices where you are signed in to your YouTube account.
8. Using a different device
If you are still unable to stop YouTube from playing on your TV, you can try using a different device to control playback. For example, if you are using your phone to cast the video, you can try using a laptop or another phone to stop the video from playing. This may be helpful if there are connectivity issues or if the phone you are using is not authorized to control playback on your TV.
9. Clearing the app’s cache and data
If you are experiencing playback issues with the YouTube app, you can try clearing the app’s cache and data. This will reset the app and potentially fix any bugs or glitches that may be causing the issue. Keep in mind that clearing the app’s data will also sign you out of your account, so you will need to sign back in and set up the app again.
10. Contacting customer support
If none of the above methods work, you can also contact customer support for your TV or streaming device. They may be able to provide specific troubleshooting steps or assist you in resolving the issue. You can also reach out to YouTube’s customer support if the issue is related to the app itself.
In conclusion, there are several ways to stop YouTube playing on your TV. Whether you are using the YouTube app, your TV remote, or voice commands, these methods can help you quickly and easily stop playback. You can also make changes to your TV or streaming device’s settings, sign out of your account, or use a different device to control playback. If you encounter any issues, don’t hesitate to contact customer support for assistance. With these tips, you can have a seamless YouTube experience and control what plays on your TV.
como hackear una computadora
La tecnología ha avanzado a pasos agigantados en las últimas décadas, y con ella también han surgido nuevas amenazas en el mundo digital. Una de ellas es la posibilidad de hackear una computadora, es decir, acceder de forma no autorizada a un sistema informático y obtener información privada o controlar su funcionamiento. Este tipo de ataques pueden ser perpetrados por diferentes motivos, desde la curiosidad hasta el robo de datos sensibles o el sabotaje. En este artículo, vamos a explorar en detalle cómo se puede hackear una computadora y qué medidas de seguridad se pueden tomar para evitarlo.
Antes de adentrarnos en cómo se lleva a cabo un ataque informático, es importante comprender los diferentes tipos de hackers que existen. En primer lugar, están los hackers éticos, también conocidos como “sombreros blancos”, quienes utilizan sus habilidades para identificar y corregir vulnerabilidades en sistemas informáticos y redes. Por otro lado, están los hackers maliciosos, también llamados “sombreros negros”, que tienen intenciones maliciosas y buscan obtener información valiosa o causar daño. Finalmente, están los hackers “sombreros grises”, que se encuentran en un punto intermedio entre los dos anteriores, ya que pueden utilizar sus habilidades tanto para fines éticos como maliciosos.
Ahora bien, ¿cómo es posible que una computadora pueda ser hackeada? En primer lugar, es importante señalar que no existe una única forma de llevar a cabo un ataque informático, ya que cada sistema informático es diferente y puede tener diferentes vulnerabilidades. Sin embargo, hay algunos métodos comunes que los hackers pueden utilizar para acceder a una computadora.
Uno de los métodos más comunes es el phishing, que consiste en enviar correos electrónicos o mensajes falsos que aparentan ser de una fuente legítima, como un banco o una empresa conocida, con el fin de engañar a los usuarios para que proporcionen información confidencial, como contraseñas o datos bancarios. Los hackers también pueden utilizar técnicas de ingeniería social, que consisten en manipular a las personas para que revelen información confidencial o realicen acciones que les permitan acceder al sistema.

Otro método común es la explotación de vulnerabilidades en el software. Los hackers pueden aprovecharse de las debilidades en el código de un programa o sistema operativo para obtener acceso no autorizado a una computadora. Estas vulnerabilidades pueden ser descubiertas por los propios hackers o adquiridas en el mercado negro de exploits.
Además, los hackers también pueden utilizar técnicas de fuerza bruta, que consisten en probar diferentes combinaciones de contraseñas hasta encontrar la correcta. Esto se puede hacer de forma manual o mediante el uso de programas automatizados. Por esta razón, es importante utilizar contraseñas seguras y cambiarlas con regularidad para evitar este tipo de ataques.
Una vez que un hacker ha obtenido acceso a una computadora, puede realizar una serie de acciones maliciosas, dependiendo de sus objetivos. Por ejemplo, puede instalar un software malicioso, como un virus o un troyano, que le permita controlar la computadora o recopilar información sin que el usuario lo sepa. También puede utilizar la computadora como parte de una red de bots (ordenadores infectados) para llevar a cabo ataques a gran escala.
Otra forma de hackear una computadora es mediante la interceptación de la conexión a internet. Los hackers pueden utilizar técnicas de “man-in-the-middle”, en las que se colocan entre el usuario y el servidor al que se está intentando acceder, para obtener información confidencial, como contraseñas o datos de tarjetas de crédito. También pueden utilizar ataques de denegación de servicio (DDoS) que inundan un sitio web con una gran cantidad de tráfico para dejarlo fuera de línea.
Como mencionamos anteriormente, los hackers pueden tener diferentes motivaciones para llevar a cabo un ataque informático. Algunas de las razones más comunes son el robo de información financiera, la obtención de datos personales, el sabotaje de un sistema informático y el secuestro de información para pedir un rescate. También puede haber motivaciones políticas o ideológicas detrás de un ataque, como el caso de los ciberataques a sitios web gubernamentales o de empresas con ciertas políticas.
Ante esta realidad, es esencial tomar medidas para proteger nuestras computadoras y redes de posibles ataques. En primer lugar, debemos asegurarnos de tener un software antivirus y firewall actualizados y activados en todo momento. Estas herramientas pueden detectar y bloquear la mayoría de los ataques maliciosos.
También es importante ser conscientes de los correos electrónicos y mensajes sospechosos y no hacer clic en enlaces o descargar archivos de fuentes desconocidas o no confiables. Además, debemos utilizar contraseñas seguras y cambiarlas con regularidad. También es recomendable utilizar la autenticación de dos factores, que requiere un código adicional además de la contraseña para acceder a una cuenta o sistema.
Otra medida de seguridad es mantener actualizado el software y el sistema operativo de nuestras computadoras. Los desarrolladores lanzan actualizaciones periódicas que incluyen parches de seguridad para corregir vulnerabilidades conocidas. No actualizar el software puede dejar nuestras computadoras expuestas a posibles ataques.
En resumen, hackear una computadora es una realidad en el mundo digital en el que vivimos. Los hackers utilizan diferentes métodos y tienen diversas motivaciones para llevar a cabo sus ataques. Sin embargo, con medidas de seguridad adecuadas y un buen conocimiento de cómo se pueden llevar a cabo estos ataques, podemos proteger nuestras computadoras y redes de posibles amenazas. Además, es responsabilidad de todos tomar conciencia de la importancia de la seguridad informática y adoptar buenas prácticas para evitar ser víctimas de un ataque informático.
movies for thanksgiving 2015
Thanksgiving is a time of gathering with family and friends, enjoying delicious food, and expressing gratitude for all that we have. It’s also a time for relaxation and entertainment, and what better way to unwind than by watching some heartwarming and festive movies? With Thanksgiving just around the corner, it’s the perfect time to cozy up on the couch and enjoy some holiday-themed films. In this article, we will explore the top movies for Thanksgiving 2015 that are sure to put you in the spirit of the season.
1. “A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving” (1973)
No Thanksgiving movie list would be complete without this classic animated film. “A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving” follows the beloved Peanuts characters as they celebrate the holiday together. The movie showcases the importance of friendship and the true meaning of Thanksgiving – being grateful for the people in our lives. This heartwarming film is perfect for all ages and is sure to bring a smile to your face.
2. “Planes, Trains & Automobiles” (1987)
This comedy starring Steve Martin and John Candy follows two mismatched travelers who are trying to make it home in time for Thanksgiving. Along the way, they encounter hilarious mishaps and learn the true value of friendship. “Planes, Trains & Automobiles” is a feel-good movie that will have you laughing and feeling grateful for the people in your life, just in time for the holiday.

3. “Home for the Holidays” (1995)
Directed by Jodie Foster, “Home for the Holidays” is a heartwarming comedy about a dysfunctional family coming together for Thanksgiving. The movie stars Holly Hunter, Robert Downey Jr., and Anne Bancroft, and showcases the chaos and love that comes with family gatherings. With its relatable characters and witty humor, this movie is a must-watch for anyone spending Thanksgiving with their loved ones.
4. “Miracle on 34th Street” (1994)
While not a traditional Thanksgiving movie, “Miracle on 34th Street” is set during the holiday season and is perfect for getting into the festive spirit. The film follows a young girl and her mother as they encounter a man claiming to be Santa Claus and must prove his authenticity in court. This heartwarming story about believing in the magic of Christmas is a feel-good movie that is sure to put a smile on your face.
5. “The Blind Side” (2009)
Based on a true story, “The Blind Side” follows the journey of Michael Oher, a homeless and traumatized boy who becomes an All-American football player with the help of a caring family. The movie showcases the importance of gratitude and giving back, making it a perfect choice for the Thanksgiving season. Sandra Bullock’s Oscar-winning performance and the heartwarming story make this film a must-watch.
6. “Scent of a Woman” (1992)
Starring Al Pacino, “Scent of a Woman” is a drama about a bitter and blind retired army officer who takes a young student under his wing for Thanksgiving weekend. As they embark on a trip to New York City, they both learn valuable lessons about life, friendship, and forgiveness. This powerful film is a reminder to be thankful for the people who have impacted our lives.
7. “Pieces of April” (2003)
This independent comedy-drama follows a dysfunctional family as they come together for Thanksgiving dinner. The twist? The dinner is being hosted by the rebellious and estranged daughter, April, played by Katie Holmes. As the family navigates through their differences, they learn the true meaning of family and forgiveness. This heartwarming film is a must-watch for anyone looking for a relatable and heartfelt Thanksgiving movie.
8. “Grumpy Old Men” (1993)
If you’re in the mood for a lighthearted and comedic movie, “Grumpy Old Men” is the perfect choice. Starring Jack Lemmon and Walter Matthau, the film follows two elderly neighbors who have been feuding for decades. When a new woman moves into the neighborhood, they both fall for her, leading to hilarious antics. With its charming humor and heartwarming message, this movie is a great option for a Thanksgiving movie night.
9. “Sweet November” (2001)
This romantic drama follows the unconventional relationship between a free-spirited woman, played by Charlize Theron, and a workaholic businessman, played by Keanu Reeves. As they spend the month of November together, they both learn valuable lessons about love and living in the moment. This heartwarming film is a perfect choice for a cozy Thanksgiving movie night.
10. “What’s Cooking?” (2000)

“What’s Cooking?” is a multi-cultural comedy-drama that follows four families from different backgrounds as they prepare for Thanksgiving dinner. The movie showcases the diversity and similarities among different cultures and celebrates the importance of family and traditions. With its heartwarming message and relatable characters, this film is a perfect choice for a Thanksgiving movie marathon.
In conclusion, these movies for Thanksgiving 2015 are sure to put you in the spirit of the season. From heartwarming classics to comedic gems, there is something for everyone on this list. So grab some popcorn, gather your loved ones, and enjoy these heartwarming and festive films this Thanksgiving. Happy watching!